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CDcare is Faster, Easier, Less Evasive
and Risk-Free
Take control of your finances, you can
start immediately.
Search & Find
Visit the CDcare app(web or mobile) to find your desired item from our wide range of product offerings, select it and check the properties.
Plan & start your installment
Choose your desired installment. You can choose between 4 - 40 weeks or 2 - 12 months. For cars, we allow up to 106 weeks or 36 months. Then proceed to pay your first payment.
We will deliver at 50%
Your desired item will be shipped to you before full payment at the mid-point of your installment. On a 2 months plan, the delivery process starts immediately, while on a six months plan, the delivery process starts on the 3rd month.
I have always wanted to buy some cool gadgets and CDcare made owning these things very easy for me. I have bought four items already from CDcare. I like the fact that CDcare doesn't require much from me as a user.
Tosin Amuda
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